Big Trev is joining the Gold Coast Titans! Well, when we say that he’s joining the Titans, it’s only for one game and as part of the All Stars Old Boys Match!

Preston Campbell, Matt Geyer, Dallas Johnson, Brad Meyers, Chris Walker, Danny Nutley, Shane Perry, Nathan Friend and Anthony Don are just some of the “Old Boys” lining up to play this weekend as the curtain raiser to the Titans Vs Dolphins game at CBus Super Stadium on Sunday.

All funds raised from the game will be going to support injured Future Titans and Redcliffe Dolphins player Joseph Pouniu as he recovers from serious injury caused during a High Performance Gold Coast Titans U17 rugby league game against the Brisbane Broncos earlier this year.

There’s also the opportunity for ANYONE to lace up the boots and join the team by making a donation to Joseph’s recovery here.

Preston Campbell dropped by the studio for a chat with Moyra and Big Trev to offer some assistance to our star player!

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