Barbie is one of the biggest things in the world right now and you can almost find something Barbie-related everywhere you go.
Except for in this optical illusion, which will put your brain to the test and will tell you whether or not you have 20/20 vision.
The image shows an image of Barbie-themed cleaning products and equipment and somewhere amongst the pink dustpans and soap sards is an icon of Barbie.
The brainteaser sounds easy but it’s much harder to spot when you put your mind to the test, with those only with 20/20 vision being able to find it in one minute or less.
Take a look and see if you can find it from the image below:

Did you spot it? If you didn’t have another go and set a timer on your phone for one minute and see if you can get it.
The image was created by the cleaning blog, Cleanipedia in celebration of the release of Barbie and has got people scratching their heads worldwide.
Take at where the Barbie icon was hiding in the reveal below:

Once you see it, you can’t understand how you never saw it in the first place.
Honestly, I could have stared at the image for hours without noticing it.
If you want to indulge in some more Barbie, take a listen to the dedicated radio on iHeart Radio below!