Queensland’s Police Union boss has unleashed on Queensland’s “out of touch” judges amid the state’s escalating youth crime crisis.

Ian Leavers is among a host of Queenslanders calling for a complete overhaul of the judiciary system following an increase in crimes committed by repeat juvenile offenders.

It comes after it was revealed the 16-year-old boy accused of fatally stabbing 70-year-old grandmother Vyleen White in Ipswich last Saturday was out on bail at the time.

Mr Leavers has declared there’s a major “judge problem” in Queensland that’s contributing to the issue.

“I don’t believe we’ve got a bail problem here in Queensland, we’ve got a judge problem,” he told Nine.

“We need to hold the judiciary to account for their actions because they’re out of touch.

“These latte-sipping judges living in wealthy suburbs in inner-city Brisbane have no connection with the average Queenslander.


“They look for every opportunity on how they can assist the offender, protect the rights of the offender – that’s absolutely unacceptable, we need to look after the victims”.

Mr Leavers is now calling for all youth offenders who are given bail to be fitted with ankle monitors, and for parents to face tougher punishments for their children’s actions.

He’s also calling for those who are convicted of serious crimes and not Australian citizens to be deported.

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